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Research for a secure Water Supply

With its research and development activities, the DVGW develops forward-looking approaches and innovative solution concepts for a secure and climate-resilient water supply - today and in the future!

Water ressources are vital; © Copyright DVGW

DVGW Water Research

Securing the present and future water supply with innovative concepts and technologies

For many years, the DVGW's research programmes have provided significant support for successful water research, which -with its consistent practical relevance- stands for innovation and sustainability in the German water industry. The DVGW water research is a key driver for rulemaking, standardisation, education and knowledge transfer. It builds know-how, guarantees qualified consulting services and provides reliable information for expert opinions. In addition to the already existing practice-oriented research funding, in 2021 the DVGW has launched its "Innovation Programme Water" which aims at developing and testing innovative solutions to enable the sustainable use of all water resources in Germany.
For many years, the DVGW's research programmes have provided significant support for successful water research, which -with its consistent practical relevance- stands for innovation and sustainability in the German water industry. The DVGW water research is a key driver for rulemaking, standardisation, education and knowledge transfer. It builds know-how, guarantees qualified consulting services and provides reliable information for expert opinions. In addition to the already existing practice-oriented research funding, in 2021 the DVGW has launched its "Innovation Programme Water" which aims at developing and testing innovative solutions to enable the sustainable use of all water resources in Germany.
DVGW Water Research Network
Germany map with location of DVGW water research institutes
DVGW Institutions for Water Research © DVGW

The DVGW’s water research activities are organised in a decentralised fashion, distributed among a total of six institutions that combine scientific expertise and university partnerships with the drinking water industry’s practical experience. The individual institutes are complementary in their competences and form an integrated network that covers all aspects relating to drinking water supply.

The six institutions are:


If you have any question, please phone or email us.
Water Research
Dr. Mathis Keller
Hauptgeschäftsstelle / Technologie und Innovationsmanagement
Phone+49 228 91 88-727
Innovation Programme Water
Dr. Julia Rinck
Hauptgeschäftsstelle / Technologie und Innovationsmanagement
Phone+49 228 91 88-221

Mehr zum Thema:

  • Forschung
  • Infrastruktur
  • Netzbetrieb Gas
  • Smart Grids